If you learn the irreversible word pairs, or binomials, in English, you will show you have fluency. That's because a native speaker can complete easily the other half. For example, if someone says "By leaps and ..., ", you could easily complete "...bounds" if you're an Englishwoman. The same is true if you are Brazilian: if someone says "Aos trancos e ...", you can complete "...barrancos" easily.

The binomials are irreversible, or rather, you can't change their order. For example, "ups and downs" can't be said as "downs and ups". The same is true in Portuguese: you say "altos e baixos" and not "baixos e altos". However, notice that the order is not always the same in English and Portuguese. For example, "achados e perdidos" has the reverse order in English "Lost and found". And you can never invert that order when making use of a pair to comunicate.

So, study the following list of word pairs below:


above AND beyond = more than
alive and kicking /well = active
armed and dangerous
as and when
back and forth
bits and pieces
by and large = de modo geral, a grosso modo
compare and contrast
cut and dried = clear and simple
day in and day out
down -and-out = person with no job or home
each and every
facts and figures = exact, detailed information
fair and square = honestly and according to the rules
far and wide = a large number of places
first and foremost = more than anything else
forgive and forget = stop being angry and stop remembering something unpleasant which happened
fun and games = pleasant, playful activities
give and take = toma-lá-dá-cá, permuta
here and there = in different places
hustle and bustle
kiss and tell = make publicly known a past sexual relationship with a famous person, usually for money
know and love
ladies and gentlemen
law and order : a general expression for law being obeyed in a society, esp. when the police or army are used to make certain it’s obeyed
leaps and bounds
live and learn
lo and behold = eis aí!, veja!, imaginem só!
lock and key = a place which one cannot escape, usually a prison
long and drawn out = too long
lost and found
loud and clear
new and improved
now and then= now and again = not very often
null and void = having no legal force
nuts and bolts = the practical facts rather than theoretical
odds and ends = bagatelas e quinquilharias
on and off = not all the time
one and only
out and about = able to do things one usually does (after an illness)
peace and quiet
pick and choose = take some things but not others
plain and simple
plump and shiny
pots and pans
pride and joy = something or someone to be pleeased about
profit and loss
pros and cons
push and shove
ranting and raving = gritar e esbravejar
rhyme and reason = obvious explanation
rhythm and blues = a type of popular music of 1940s and 1950s which has a strong beat.
rise and shine = get out of bed
rules and regulations
safe and sound
sick and tired
this and that = various things
time and effort
trial and error
up and running = operating
ups and downs
wait and see


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